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LSQ Future of Health

By Admin - June 12th 2024

The Queensland Bio Sector continues to grow

The first Future of Health Seminar of the year, hosted by Life Sciences Queensland and Springfield City Group, commenced 2024 with a significant focus on the opportunities and challenges in biomanufacturing. This industry is crucial for Queensland and the global market, offering substantial economic benefits and innovations.

This seminar included two panel discussions that tackled the most pressing topics in biomanufacturing today. The discussions delved into how sustained governmental and private sector support is essential for fostering growth and how strategic collaborations across businesses and educational institutions can spark innovation and technological advancements. Another critical subject covered was the need for workforce development through enhanced educational pathways in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM), ensuring the sector remains competitive and innovative.

Experts from academia and the industry provided insights into the challenges and strategies for scaling operations while maintaining quality. The seminar served as a vital platform for dynamic discussions, sharing insights into maintaining operational excellence during growth phases and projecting future industry trends.

Thanks to the collaborative and forward-thinking efforts of Springfield City Group and Life Sciences Queensland, the Future of Health Seminar has set the stage for continued growth and innovation in biomanufacturing. As the series progresses, it aims to foster a unified approach, promoting and building a resilient and thriving biomanufacturing ecosystem in Australia.

VFV extend our gratitude to LSQ, all speakers, panelists, and attendees for making this seminar a success. We look forward to continuing these important discussions and fostering the growth of the biomanufacturing sector in Queensland.

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